Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Parcel Maint. Step1 - Roll Data

City of Grass Valley Parcel maintenance

Details for obtaining / processing the NevCo Roll Data:



Download and process quarterly Roll...

  • TBD: Request larger area (to include planning area)

  • Convert to .dbf

  • Create a join field (APN)

  • Join the new Roll to the Master copy of GV Parcels

  • Query for records that did not join (they have but we don't)




Create a spreadsheet for the Planning intranet

  • G:\CDD\PLANNING\20xx\PARCELDATA\ParcelsCitLim112007.xls


Create a file for use in Accela (APO update in the production environment)

  • TBD Specs - Call Accela support @ 559 627-1959 then press *5



Parcel Maintenance

I am looking into whether this will be a good medium to share my documentation with a future GIS analyst for the City... This is my first post.